Thyroptera lavali

Nome científico: Thyroptera lavali Pine 1993
Nome em inglês: LaVal's Disk-winged Bat
Família: Thyropteridae
Autor: © Vinícius Cardoso Cláudio

4 comentários:

  1. Dear Vinicio, receive a warm greeting from Ecuador. These are excellent photos, congratulations. Is it possible that you authorize us to use them in our platform of Mammals of Ecuador?


    1. I apreciate bioweb, I AM always reading your website.
      You are doing a awessome work. Jeep going and thank you

  3. Dear Vinicio, I am searching for records of T. lavali for a manuscript about the species. In the species section of the Handbook of Mammals of the world appears two records from Brazil, however, I only found the Bernard and Fenton (2002) record. Do you know other localities of T. lavali from Brazil? I will appreciate your answer. Best wishes, Miguel Rodríguez.
